Methylephedrine | C11H17NO | CID 4374 - PubChem

    2024-09-23 07:23

    2005-03-25. Modify: 2024-06-22. Description. Methylephedrine is a member of amphetamines. ChEBI. N-Methylephedrine is a natural product found in Ephedra likiangensis, Ephedra minuta, and other organisms with data available. LOTUS - the natural products occurrence database.

    Methylephedrine | C11H17NO | CID 4374 - PubChem

    DL-Methylephedrine: Uses, Interactions, Mechanism of Action | DrugBank ...

    Methylephedrine is a sympathomimetic amine that appears in various over-the-counter cough and cold medications throughout the world 9, 10, 11. The abuse of methylephedrine-containing medications has been reported in Japan. Methylephedrine is not legally available in the United States, but has been identified in cases of drug abuse 7.

    Dl-methylephedrine Hcl Tablets 消旋鹽酸甲基麻黃錠

    副作用. 心悸、頭痛、失眠疲倦、噁心、腹脹、皮膚紅疹. 懷孕分級. 尚未確立. 備註. 若有甲狀腺機能亢進症、高血壓、心疾患及糖尿病患,請謹慎用藥. 最後修改者. DL-METHYLEPHEDRINE HCL TABLETS 消旋鹽酸甲基麻黃錠,DL-METHYLEPHEDRINE HCL 30MG,口服,支氣管氣喘、由支氣管收縮 ...

    鹽酸甲基麻黃素錠的功效、正確用法及成分 - 康健知識庫

    methylephedrine hcl tablets astar,點擊看用法用量及副作用。適應症:支氣管喘息、 蕁麻疹 、過敏性疾患、 支氣管炎 、咳嗽。 。鹽酸甲基麻黃素錠包裝:瓶裝 。 癌症問康健 康健 大人社團 康健線上學習 康健嚴選 康健出版 康健影音 書香花園 ...

    應元dl-甲基鹽酸麻黃 錠的功效、適應症及副作用|元氣網

    dl-methylephedrine hcl; 相似成份藥: 益風糖衣錠 益風顆粒 安嗽平糖漿 永信薪咳力片 應元鹽酸甲基麻黃素注射液4% 這個藥物該如何使用? 請見 藥物說明書. 藥物的詳細成分. dl-methylephedrine hcl 25mg; 藥物外觀

    亞東醫院藥學部 e-pharm - DL-methylephedrine

    每錠含有30毫克的 Methylephedrine 。. 適應症: 支氣管氣喘、由支氣管收縮引起之咳嗽。. 可能的副作用: 心悸、頭痛、失眠、神經質、疲倦、噁心、腹脹、皮膚紅疹。. 責任編輯群: 亞東醫院藥學部. 更新日期: 2023-07-04.

    DL-Methylephedrine hydrochloride | DrugBank Online

    DL-Methylephedrine. Methylephedrine is a sympathomimetic amine that appears in various over-the-counter cough and cold medications throughout the world 9, 10, 11. The abuse of methylephedrine-containing medications has been reported in Japan. Methylephedrine is not legally available in the United States, but has been identified in cases of drug ...

    "強生" 消旋鹽酸甲基麻黃生僉錠 Dl-methylephedrine Hcl Tablets "Johnson" @ 藥要看

    通關簽審文件編號. DHY01200080509. 中文品名. "強生" 消旋鹽酸甲基麻黃生僉錠. 英文品名. DL-METHYLEPHEDRINE HCL TABLETS "JOHNSON". 藥品類別. 須由醫師處方使用. 管制藥品分類級別.

    Ac02844100 | 藥品查詢 | 便民服務 | 衛生福利部豐原醫院

    dl-Methylephedrine HCl 英文商品名稱 DL-Methylephedrine 中文商品名稱 DL-Methylephedrine高> 25mg鹽酸甲基麻黃生僉 大分類 11.呼吸系統藥物 藥理分類 11-1.交感神經與腎上腺皮質激素 衛生署適應症 支氣管氣喘、一般咳嗽、支氣管炎引起之咳嗽、鼻炎 ...

    KEGG DRUG: dl-Methylephedrine hydrochloride

    HCl. Exact mass: 215.1077. Mol weight: 215.7197. Structure: Mol file KCF file DB search: Simcomp: Neighbor: Class: Cardiovascular agent DG01456 Adrenergic receptor agonist ... D02109 dl-Methylephedrine hydrochloride (JP18) Classification of Japanese OTC drugs [BR:br08313] Agents for nervous and sensory systems 01 Cold remedy (oral use)

    【篤實 關懷 倫理 卓越】光田綜合醫院 Kuang Tien General Hospital

    UpToDate 連結. 藥理作用. 1.Methylephedrine對氣管炎及支氣管炎有止咳解痙等支氣管擴張作用,亦能解除充血性支氣管炎,且無一般麻黃鹼所引起如心悸、出汗、興奮、脈搏加速及失眠等副作用。. 2.Chlorpheniramine為具抗過敏作用之抗組織胺劑,吸收快、作用迅速且 ...

    methylephedrine - Drug Central

    DrugCentral is online drug information resource created and maintained by Division of Translational Informatics at University of New Mexico.

    Effect of DL-Methylephedrine on Dopamine Transporter Using Positron ...

    Dl-methylephedrine is thought to have the feature of a central nervous system stimulant via DAT, but our data suggest that with daily administration, DAT inhibition was quite low in comparison with other prohibited drugs. It was considered that at least the central excitatory effect mediated by DAT inhibition was not observed with a daily dose ...

    民眾服務 \ 用藥諮詢 \ 諮詢內容

    消旋鹽酸甲基麻黃鹼(DL-Methylephedrine的適應症是用於治療支氣管氣喘,或是由支氣管收縮引起之咳嗽。本劑常見的副作用包括:(a).循環系統:偶有心悸亢進,顏面蒼白等症狀發生,(b).神經系統: 偶有頭痛、熱感,罕有不眠、眩暈、神經過敏、疲勞等症狀發生,(c ...

    H 鎮咳袪痰劑/鹽酸甲基麻黃鹼 錠 dl-Methylephedrine HCl Tab.-信隆藥品工業股份有限公司


    鹽酸甲基麻黃/錠的功效、正確用法及成分 - 康健知識庫

    英文品名: dl-methylephedrine hcl tablets: 許可證字號: 內衛藥製字第009187號: 劑型: 錠劑: 包裝: 瓶裝: 藥品類別: 須由醫師處方使用

    甲氧麻黃酮 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

    甲氧麻黃酮(英語: Mephedrone ),又名4-甲基甲基卡西酮(4-MMC),英文俚稱Meph、Drone和MCAT,常被稱為喵喵,是一種人工合成的苯丙胺類及卡西酮類興奮劑藥物。. 症狀 [編輯]. 人類施用該藥物後,身體會產生之症狀: . 欣快、興奮等作用,會產生類似甲基安非他命與搖頭丸的效果,但因作用時間短 ...

    Methylephedrine ( N-methylephedrine )的適應症、成分、用法與用量、作用機轉、副作用

    藥理作用. 強力的擬交感神經興奮劑,直接刺激α和β1及β2腎上腺接受體部位,其中肺部的β2受體被刺激後,可使支氣管平滑肌鬆弛並舒張支氣管。. 可作用於肺部,使支氣管平滑肌鬆弛並舒張支氣管,減緩過度收縮的症狀。.

    嘉林鹽酸甲基麻黃鹼錠用法、副作用、禁忌、成分 - 藥物查詢

    藥品簡介. 嘉林鹽酸甲基麻黃鹼錠由嘉林藥品有限公司生產製造,許可證編號為衛署藥製字第020832號, 嘉林鹽酸甲基麻黃鹼錠適用於以下症狀:支氣管氣喘、蕁麻疹、鼻炎產品包裝形式為塑膠瓶裝,藥物屬於錠劑類型,可參考圖片或搜索對應圖示。購買前請注意須 ...

    偽麻黃鹼(Pseudoephedrine) :用途功效、潛在的副作用與注意事項 - Hello 醫師

    偽麻黃鹼的潛在交互作用. 偽麻黃鹼的建議用量. 您可以在 Hello 醫師上發現並參考更多關於 偽麻黃鹼(Pseudoephedrine)的資訊,包括它的基本概念、如何服用與保存、有哪些注意事項與使用禁忌、有哪些潛在的功效及副作用或交互作用,以及大人和小孩的建議用量 ...

    【篤實 關懷 倫理 卓越】光田綜合醫院 Kuang Tien General Hospital

    Methylphenidate HCl是一種中樞神經興奮劑,目前未知其對注意力不足過動症(ADHD)的正確治療機轉為何,一般認為methylphenidate會阻斷正腎上腺素(norepinephrine)及多巴胺(dopamine)被再吸收到突觸前神經細胞,並且會增加這些單胺類的釋放到神經細胞外。 適應症 ...

    Methylphenidate: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects -

    mood changes, anxiety, feeling nervous or irritable, trouble sleeping; fast heart rate, pounding heartbeats or fluttering in your chest; loss of appetite, weight loss; dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, indigestion; or. headache, dizziness. This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur.