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    2024-09-23 05:33

    起效時間為30分鐘至1小時,建議1小時前服用,一般作用時間5小時,有25mg、50mg、100mg 三種劑量。 醫生一般會建議最初用50mg,再由病人自行調整劑量。 但食物尤以高脂肪類食物會影響吸收,從而降低藥物功效。

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    男人30歲後一半會有勃起障礙!威而鋼、犀利士...藥師用一張表告訴你該怎麼選藥 - True Health - 良醫健康網 - 商業周刊(百大良醫)

    True Health諮詢藥師表示:每種藥品還真的有點差別,整理在下方表格,可以看情況,在醫師處方下選擇使用不同的藥品。. 勃起功能障礙(ErectileDysfunction,ED). 是一種盛行率相當高的疾病,是指陰莖持續性的無法保持充血勃起狀態到性交完成。. 超過30歲的亞洲 ...

    又羞又驚!藥師透露威而鋼「五個秘密」...吃了≠會狂勃起 | ETtoday健康雲 | ETtoday新聞雲

    一開始建議先服用50mg即可,若不足量可在醫師的診斷下提高到100mg;肝腎有功能不全者,需在醫師診斷下才得以確認是否可以服用。一天限使用一次,建議性行為預計發生時間之一小時前服用。 第二、 Sildenafil是一種治療勃起功能障礙的口服藥物。

    Sildenafil Dosage Guide + Max Dose, Adjustments - Drugs.com

    Initial dose: 50 mg orally once a day, as needed, about 1 hour prior to sexual activity. Maintenance dose: May increase to 100 mg or decrease to 25 mg once a day, based on efficacy and tolerability. Maximum dose: 100 mg orally once a day. Comments: This drug may be taken anywhere from 30 minutes to 4 hours before sexual activity.

    Viagra Oral Tablet: How it Works, How Long it Lasts, Cost, and More

    Form and strengths (25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg) Viagra comes as an oral tablet, in these strengths: 25 milligram (mg), 50 mg, and 100 mg. Other forms of sildenafil (the active drug in Viagra) comes in ...

    DailyMed - VIAGRA- sildenafil citrate tablet, film coated

    3 DOSAGE FORMS AND STRENGTHS. VIAGRA is supplied as blue, film-coated, rounded-diamond-shaped tablets containing sildenafil citrate equivalent to 25 mg, 50 mg, or 100 mg of sildenafil. Tablets are debossed with PFIZER on one ... 4 CONTRAINDICATIONS. 4.1 Nitrates - Consistent with its known effects on the nitric oxide/cGMP pathway [see Clinical ...

    Viagra Dosage: 25/50/100 mg, Form, When to Use, and More - Healthline

    Dosage for erectile dysfunction. The recommended dosage of Viagra for erectile dysfunction (ED) is 50 mg, taken as needed about 1 hour before sexual activity. You can take it 30 minutes to 4 hours ...

    Teva Sildenafil: Vs. Viagra, Pros & Cons, Side Effects - Healthline

    See a doctor if you notice any of the following uncommon or rare side effects when you take Teva sildenafil: sharp or burning chest pain that gets worse over time. pain in your bladder. stomach ...

    勃起功能障碍 「伟哥」怎么选 - 丁香园 - DXY.cn

    阿伐那非的常用剂量为 50 mg、100 mg 和 200 mg,推荐起始剂量为 100 mg,不推荐每日使用超过 1 次。 给患者的选择无非是药物的起效时间、持续时间以及可能的副作用;另外对于希望随时可以「战斗」的或性生活频率较高的患者,推荐使用 5 mg qd 的他达拉非。

    治療勃起功能障礙藥物使用說明 | 衛教單張 - 中國醫藥大學附設醫院

    治療勃起功能障礙藥物使用說明. 性行為前30-60分鐘口服,服用後需要有刺激才會作用。. 性行為前15-30分鐘口服,服用後需要有刺激才會作用。. 性行為前2小時口服,服用後需要有刺激才會作用。. 上市時間較久。. 與攝護腺增生用藥 (腎上腺甲型阻斷劑)併用,需 ...

    Sildenafil: 7 things you should know - Drugs.com

    Sildenafil is used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) and to reduce blood pressure in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). It is taken when needed for ED and daily for PAH. A headache, stomach upsets, and flushing are the main side effects, and it should not be taken within 24 hours of a nitrate. 5. Tips.

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    一盒四粒100mg裝威而鋼藥錠. 威而鋼是輝瑞公司出品的枸櫞酸西地那非片的商品名。 威而鋼為藍色 菱形薄膜包衣片劑,表面有凹陷的輝瑞公司標識,目前市場上共有三種劑量的威而鋼,分別為25mg、50mg和100mg。 西地那非的專利權之爭 [編輯]

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    generic Cialis (tadalafil) brand-name Viagra. brand-name Cialis. Dosage and cost: Sildenafil is available through Roman by prescription in 25-, 50-, or 100-milligram (mg) pills, ranging in price ...


    他表示,前述的3種藥物,威而鋼的原廠專利在2013年已到期,目前台灣的藥廠都可以依照其成分「西地那非100mg」來製造,而有不同的藥名,例如南光藥廠製造的「美好挺」,成分與威而剛相同。 【延伸閱讀】>>小心「一炮到天堂」!威而鋼暗藏的危險. 台廠效果 ...

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    對於大部份的病人說,建議以50mg開始服用,視反應可增加為100mg,或減少為25mg。 2. 下列病人宜以25mg開始,大於65歲病人,肝硬化的病人,腎功能不好的病人,或併服紅黴素或抗黴菌藥物的病人。

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    Cialis vs. Viagra: Which Is Best? - Healthline

    Cialis lasts up to 36 hours in the body, while Viagra lasts 4-6 hours in the body. Both are taken 30 minutes before sex. Cialis can cause limb pain, while Viagra can cause vision change, rash ...

    西地那非 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

    一盒四粒100mg裝威而鋼藥錠. 威而鋼是辉瑞公司出品的枸橼酸西地那非片的商品名。 威而鋼为蓝色 菱形薄膜包衣片剂,表面有凹陷的辉瑞公司标识,目前市场上共有三种剂量的万艾可,分别为25mg、50mg和100mg。 西地那非的专利权之争

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    FDA建議用於預防肺動脈高壓的劑量是50mg,每日三次;目前在台灣販售的威而剛的劑量是100mg的錠劑。 筆者建議使用100mg半顆替代,每八小時口服一次。 那麼什麼人,什麼時候要預防性地投予威而鋼預呢?

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    20 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg: 30-60 minutes (up to 2 hours) 2-5 hours: Tadalafil (Cialis) ... Avanafil: Brand-name Stendra sells for about $70 per 100-mg dose. There's currently no generic ...

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    In addition to Viagra, REX MD also offers brand-name Cialis and generic Cialis (tadalafil). Both Viagra and sildenafil are available in 25-mg, 50-mg, and 100-mg doses. REX MD currently has a 4.6 ...